

Home is in your Heart

Home is in your Heart

"this too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone but it will pass."  

They say that logic will get you from A to B but imagination will get you everywhere.

This is often the challenge with the head and the heart, how do you continue to nurture the mind body connection?  Mark Grove’s writes, “Sometimes it feels like life is testing us, doesn’t it? Like it keeps handing us shit over and over again. How do we survive these continuous hits? How do we keep moving forward despite the heavy weight we feel?”   

A couple weeks after I read this, I found myself exactly at this point. At a crossroads, and feeling as if I had to start all over or sit in a pile of shit. I sought a new way to rejevunate my practice and began practicing Ashtanga which is very different from Vinyasa that I was trained in. Additionally, sought out the wise words of Krishnas Das. Everything he talks about in his seminar’s were coming up for me. A few highlights from the seminar include: 


  • The heart is always open but we shut it down.
  • You can’t walk away from the stuff you do not like because it creates more karma’s.When shit hit’s the fan, it is difficult to stay true to our practice but these situations teach us a lot about ourselves.
  • Honor where you are at.
  •  Darma does not protect us from suffering
    • -It allows us to live through it, nothing can protect us from suffering.
      • Surrender is not something that we do, it happens.
      • When you are forming perspective you cannot make yourself not feel things you have to be able to see things through. 

The last point was super helpful because they talk about surrendering and listening to what you are feeling but instead sit with it and explore your feelings whatever they may be. If we can sit with these feelings then we can have greater compassion for ourselves instead of judgement. 

From Mark Grove's perspective, "In every experience there is wisdom and knowledge that can build us into super loving + powerful beings. Relationships and life are here to shape us to show us what we’re not good at so that we can build those skills + become the person we’ve always needed."  However it is a process and with the mindfulness to be gentle. you are meeting parts of yourself you have been at war with.     


Day 354

Day 354