

Free Write

Free Write

There are more reoccurring events than not where I feel I am a small dot in this world. I am both significant and insignificant in various moments throughout my life. My presence and voice holds freedom and power, as does all that surrounds me. Nature is ever-changing and fluid around me. The environment and the nature that engulfs it stands out to me in its permanency – as I always tell myself nothing is permanent. I do what I can here and now to engrave pictures of scenery and events into my mind not to be forgotten. Both human and mother nature captivate me and trigger my sense to endless enamoring moments. The pulses that stream through my veins create these very thoughts and coddle my search for peace on Earth.

I am able to think with clarity when I sync myself to what is around me, instead of just rushing around on idle all the time. The soft new fallen snow beginning the year and the warming air of springtime in its greenery. The moments of pure sunshine that melts along your skin and the refreshing force of the ocean to cool you off. Then in the fall, the leaves change and the foliage is unlike anycolor spectrum you’ve ever seen. The crunching leaves spiral and fall together bedding down on the soiled ground marking their life span. I only wish to be a part of what surrounds me, and discover that dreamy wanderlust once again. I hope to apply myself to all dedications that benefit me and inspire me to look inside myself. You cannot lead another down a path before you know for yourself. So before I push for peace among others, I will devote my compass to my own heart, and do all that I can to establish myself from the inside out. 




This week is…

This week is…