For the Pain: 2018
The Year of the Earth Dog
The year of the Earth Dog challenged us in many ways . The sign of the earth Dog is a symbol of hearth, home, loyalty, and dedication, family, and friendship. The earth dog craves security knowing that there will be a good meal waiting and a friend to comfort him and a warm fire to lie by. There was a focus on coming back to the basics on a stronger sense of comfort and security. We were called and inspired to invest greater faith in family, in friends and strangers, in life in general. We were called to be better friends as well, and to be more tolerant, compassionate, and protective of the world we inhabit. Where in recent years had been mark by divisiveness, harshness, and fear we sought out tranquility and a greater need for harmony.
It was not always pretty. People became fed up (some more than others ) and called to look outside of themselves and to seek a more harmonious existence that was free of fear and turbulence. How did you do? All of these aspects were tested to great lengths. As I experienced friction in family and close friendships. As this was an important area for me, it was a great source of conflict and strife for me and one of tremendous growth. Unfortunately, not all friendships made it . And while it was hard an extremely heartbreaking it was a time it called for you to look deep within to remember who you are and where it is you come from and what is we value and where we hope to go collectively and as a Nation. We had to dig deep to fight our demons, make a conscious effort of being honest, open, and gracious to others even when they weren’t kind to us and try our best to find compassion even in disagreement. Again, which was not easy.
For a wild ride in which there was expansion under every level. It was not all perfect but one of deep and earth shattering growth. After the constant personal development we often need to re-establish and fine tune that connection to the inner voice as it may serve as valuable guide to come. What special guiding and teachings did you seek this year? It's now the end of the year and important to take that time to take that knowledge and intuition and put it to good use. It has come full circle and as we seek comfort, care, and closure for the harmony we seek. As we were constantly tested repeatedly of the same lessons. What stuck out and what no longer serves you? One thing that is for certain is the quest for the internal balance. As we reach the end of 2018 it is now time to begin nurturing ourselves and those who are also on the quest of their own. Here are a few tracks that inspired me in 2018 but also helped me get through the tough times. I know this will be a year I never forget. Thanks to spotify, otherwise I would have not remembered them all. Please follow me on spotify if you haven’t already and share your music playlist. Please comment below and let me know your thoughts on the playlist!
There have been many ups and downs since 2016. Also many joys, blessings, lessons, pain, and growth. I am still grateful for all paths who crossed mine during these times and have a great appreciation for all those who stood by my side during tough times. I never could have anticipated such a wild ride. Even with all the angst and confusion, injustice, and suffering. I give thanks for all the adventures, travel. and every lesson. Thank you for it all! As we prepare for 2019, here is to applying the lessons of self-love, growth, patience, resilience, presence, hard work, consistency, balance, and making our dreams come true.