

Hurry Up & Wait

Hurry Up & Wait

We have had significant changes in the last couple of years. We seen a surprsing dynamic in the shift of our technology and how we see ourselves but also how we used that technology. There was a major shift by the way we danced ourselves out of the pandemic on tik tok and developed a sense of community in this new found media platform. With these short funny video’s and clips we began to learn more about ourselves through it rather from people.

As a result, in 2023 this drove some to look within and get curious about the inner workings of our minds as well as the mysteriousness behind some of our relationships. Once again we were deeply tested on our boundaries and most cherished beliefs as we struggle to find common ground while navigating polarizing political views. In this tests we witnessed people rise to the occasion and gave us reason to believe that good people do exist. We witnessed strangers opening up their hearts in the most practical ways. Not only was it inspiring but it gave us reason to believe in love again.

And not all individuals demonstrated this but for the ones who did, it brought upon a sense of serenity, gentleness, and civility. While the old stale disappointing bonds faded, new friendships were cultivated and forged. In terms of expression, there was and undertone in which people were going out more and there was an artistic undertone in which people dressed up and tossed aside rip jeans for more classier attire.

It was a time of abundance, hope, optimism, and growth. Every day was special as we waited on what was in store and it was full of surprises, new friends did not disappoint. We were focused on helping others and also being kinder to ourselves. One cannot forget to mention how the year of the rabbit was a time of cultivating inner peace and harmony. We also learned to be open to getting new people and fostering those connections with others.

Begin Again

Begin Again

For the Pain: 2018

For the Pain: 2018