"Do not fast forward into something you're not ready for or allow yourself to shrink back into what is comfortable. Growth lives in uneasiness, the in-between, the unfinished sentence. You are season of becoming...."
There was recently a piece on “happychondria” yes, this is a real term. Instead of greeting happiness as something special and with open arms, as we would a dear friend…. We shy away from it…. Clearly we want happiness but we don’t trust it.
The fear of happiness has been passed down from generation to generation significantly. Each one carefully elaborating on the myths, superstitions, trickery that went before.
The next time you experience genuine happiness, watch your thoughts awhile…. Thoughts such as watch out for the fall… and keep looking and you may notice the fear crop in…. “What did I forget?” Maybe I left the stove on…. , "I forgot to lock the back door", or I will have to pay for this... "and if you need time to understand how you feel about something. give yourself more time to understand how you feel about a thing.” Nayyirah Waheed