To Be Human
"J. Krishnamurti writes, “ Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot go through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest, ritual, nor through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding, of contents of his own mind, through observation and through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.”
This was the core of this teaching. His teachings in Eastern philosophy insinuates a new vision, a new way in which knowledge and experience function and should function in our lives. Through reading this book I was challenged in my views of the world, how I see myself, how others see me, and re-definition of values.
They say that living abroad can assist in developing a stronger sense of self. Through this journey, it is often difficult to listen to the mind, to truly understand what is happening within us. I refer to the video below to the process of a breakdown. It is one that highlights the roller coaster trying to work through it.
No, one could say that this is one explanation for one's reckless behavior, however, once you come through on the other side for your health. Or the awakening process, how does one begin to integrate all of the aspects they have learned.
In J. Krushnamturi's core teachings these included to be the most prominent are:
- Listening: When listening do not try to define every word... when this is done, it is difficult to listen at the conscious level and hear what is being said. Or truly understand the place in which the communicator is coming from.
"But if we begin to define every word…and leave it at that, communication will be at the conscious level. It seems to me that what we are discussing is not merely to be understood at the conscious level, but also to be absorbed- if I may put it that way- unconsciously, deep down without the formulation"…..
You have to listen without any effort, without any struggle. It is a very difficult problem to listen with the totality of one’s being- that is, when the mind not only hears the words but is capable of going beyond the words.
Humans Beings Have built in themselves Image as a fence of security: Moving abroad, I did not realize how much this would shift.
The state in which I communicated was always very individualistic. Where in the Guatemalan Culture, it is the collective about the group, the family. Therefore, you cannot always do what you want because what you do affects others. "Man cannot exist without the relationship. Life is relationship and action. These are fundamental to man. I begin to question what is my relationship with your buddhist, hindu, or Christian priest? What is your relationship to your buddhist or Hindu or Christian priest? What is your relationship to others?
You have to find the truth in the Mirror of Relationship: We are inquiring together into the question of relationship. Man cannot exist without a relationship. Therefore, the individual cannot dominate the group. It became clear I valued the self. The self is very defined, however... who are you in the presence of another? Who are you when you face rejection? Who are you when you are hurt and have to face another?
Thought creates images and became attached to these images. For security. Therefore one can be secure in the image of their wife, their country, the image you have created about the group, or nation. And so thought creates these images to find security in them. Whether the security is found or originates or found in neuroticism, or some fanciful image.
So the thought and the mind want security? Why? We find that it is apart of our conditioning. What if we didn't hold on so much to our identities and we could just be fluid?
We often learn so much about ourselves when we look to our past. Relationship experts utilize these questions to help you explore your essential conditioning and how you seek to connect or disconnect from others.
- Were you raised to rely on yourself or were you taught who can help you?
- Were you taught the moment you could speak, state your needs, use your words or were you taught that you are here to intuit what people want from you?
- Did you feel you were protected or often feel the need to flee for protection?
You will often find people come out one end or the either, and tend to pair with people who are on the opposite side of where they are.
There is no technique: We are having a dialogue, which means a conversation between people who are concerned about certain problems of human beings and want to go into them deeply, with care and affection, not with any form of assertion or argument. A dialectical method seeks to find out the truth through opinions. But we are not investigating dialectically. Rather, we are like two friends talking over their human problems together who hope to solve them and discover them.
You see, I am afraid there is a great deal of misapprehension that we are trying to find a technique to truth, which means learning, practicing, a method that will help you to come upon truth.
But there is no technique.